1. We accumulate trading information - buying books, going to seminars and researching.
2. We begin to trade with our 'new' knowledge.
3. We consistently 'donate' and then realize we may need more knowledge or information.
4. We accumulate more information.
5. We switch the commodities we are currently following.
6. We go back into the market and trade with our 'updated' knowledge.
7. We get 'beat up' again and begin to lose some of our confidence. Fear starts setting in.
8. We start to listen to 'outside news' & other traders.
9. We go back into the market and continue to donate.
10. We switch commodities again.
11. We search for more trading information.
12. We go back into the market and continue to donate.
13. We get 'overconfident' & market humbles us.
14. We start to understand that trading success fully is going to take more time and more knowledge then we anticipated.
Many Traders Will Give up at this Point as they Realize Work is Involved
15. We get serious and start concentrating on learning a 'real' methodology.
16. We trade our methodology with some success, but realize that something is missing.
17. We begin to understand the need for having rules to apply our methodology.
18. We take a sabbatical from trading to develop and research our trading rules.
19. We start trading again, this time with rules and find some success, but overall we still hesitate when it comes time to execute. We start trading again, this time with rules and find some success, but overall we still hesitate when it comes time to execute.
20. We add, subtract and modify rules as we see a need to be more proficient with our rules.
21. We go back into the market and continue to donate.
22. We start to take responsibility for our trading results as we understand that our success is in us, not the trade methodology.
23. We continue to trade and become more proficient with our methodology and our rules.
24. As we trade we still have a tendency to violate our rules and our results are erratic.
25. We know we are close.
26. We go back and research our rules.
27. We build the confidence in our rules and go back into the market and trade.
28. Our trading results are getting better, but we are still hesitating in executing our rules.
29. We now see the importance of following our rules as we see the results of our trades when we don't follow them.
30. We begin to see that our lack of success is within us (a lack of discipline in following the rules because of some kind of fear) and we begin to work on knowing ourselves better.
31. We continue to trade and the market teaches us more and more about ourselves.
32. We master our methodology and trading rules.
33. We begin to consistently make money. We begin to consistently make money.
34. We get a little overconfident and the market humbles us.
35. We continue to learn our lessons.
36. We stop thinking and allow our rules to trade for us (trading becomes boring, but successful) and our trading account continues to grow as we increase our contract size.
37. We are making more money then we ever dreamed to be possible.
38. We go on with our lives and accomplish many of the goals we had always dreamed of.
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38 Step be a Trader
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Posted by
forex trading
2:32 AM
Business Inventories
Angka persediaan barang yang telah diproduksi namun belum terjual. Merupakan salah satu komponen dalam perhitungan GDP dan dapat memberikan petunjuk penting mengenai arah perekonomian di masa yang akan datang.
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All Industries Index
Indeks ini menunjukkan pergerakan harga untuk kombinasi harga yang telah di-adjust (disesuaikan) terlebih dahulu dari semua indeks perindustrian.
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How To Choose The Right Forex Trading System For You
When it comes to trading systems that you can use to trade on the Forex market you have plenty of options but it’s very important to choose the right Forex trading system for you.
Some may find fundamental factors easier to take while others will do better with technical indicators. Everyone is different and which system isn’t important – what is important is matching individual to system. So how do you find the right system?
Well it starts with you understanding the methods of analysis that are used when you are trading on the Forex currency market. When you know what the tools are and how to use them you can analyze what is best for you.
Some of the most popular technical analysis tools include pivot points, Fibonacci retraces, chart patterns, candlestick patterns, trade balances, interest rates, and GDP which stands for gross domestic product.
You will need to determine the profitability of the Forex trading system you are considering choosing. Use a real time demo to determine how profitable a trading system is. This lets you begin to understand what the system’s capabilities are and it also let’s you become familiar with the trading platform.
Next you need to have a look at the expectancy which tells you what type of profits you expect to make over a period of time. You calculate expectancy using this simple formula:
(Probability of winning × average win) – (Probability of losing × average loss) = the average profit per trade. If this number is a negative number you need to look at a different Forex trading system. Of course the higher the number the better the profits you can expect.
You should also examine the opportunity factor which is just how often you can expect to trade using the trading system. You multiply your expectancy figure with the opportunity factor and it tells you how much you can expect to profit during a specific time period. The more opportunity the more profit you can expect to put in your pocket.
Now that you know how to choose the right Forex trading system for you to reap the most profitability.
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Choosing Forex Trading Software
If you plan to start trading with Forex online you will need the right software system to give you the ability to collect information on market prices and make Forex trades quickly and easily. There are two types of Forex software available. One is web based while the other is client based.
The Forex market is a high paced fast moving market and to make good trades you need good information and with the right software and a high speed internet connection everything you need is only mouse click away. You just need to decide on which software is best for you.
Client based Forex trading software is downloaded and then installed on your computer. The biggest draw back to a client based system is that you can only access it from the computer on which it is installed. You also need to be concerned with the security on your system.
Web based software lets you login in with an internet connection and you can use any computer anywhere. Web based software tends to less vulnerable to viruses and hackers because of the high security implemented.
Whether you use web based or client based it needs to provide you with real time quotes and the means to quickly buy and sell on the market. If you choose client based software it pays to pay the fee that ensures you software updates because there are regular changes.
Brokers house your client information on two servers in two different locations for security and safety of your data. So for example if a server has a power failure the data is automatically transferred to the other server and you won’t even realize there was an interruption. Brokers also back up their server using an ongoing system so nothing is ever lost.
You may have found your calling with Forex. There is plenty of money to be made on the currency market. The first step is taking a little risk, the next step is choosing the right Forex trading software, and finally you’ll reap the rewards in profits.
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Tips For Global Forex Trading
You’ve decided to become a trader on the Forex market but since you’ve never played on the currency market you aren’t sure where to start. Not to worry – we’ve got some great tips for global Forex trading,
Forex is the foreign exchange market where currencies are bought and sold. It began back in the 1970’s with the introduction of free exchange rates and floating currencies. Thanks to the internet more and more people are able to reap the profits of the currency market with global Forex trading.
This is a market that trades as over US$1 trillion a day. It trades more than any other market. There are some distinct differences in the currency market compared to the stock market. Money moves much faster so no single investor has the ability to actually affect market price and trades are able to open and close within seconds which is not possible on the stock market.
To start your global Forex trading you need to open a Forex account. Just fill in the application and the sign the margin agreement which let’s the broker intervene at any time. That makes sense since it’s the broker’s money that just makes sense.
You need to choose a trading strategy that works for you. Different strategies work for different traders to don’t try to makes something work, instead find the right trading strategy for you.
It’s important to understand that trends move prices so a smart investor will make trends their friend and even go so far as to examine historical trends.
The top five currency pairs are USD/Yen, Euro/Yen, Swiss franc/USD, Pound USD/ and the Euro/USD. Make sure you know and understand them.
Examine the charts at 1 hour, 4 hour, and daily. This will give you the daily trends and plenty of opportunity to trade. Sure you can trade every 15 minutes if you like but that’s not really practical.
Now that you’ve got all your global Forex trading tips you’re ready to see some profits.
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Strategi Trading Valas 100% Profit
Sebelumnya, kalau boleh saya mengajak anda berangan – angan, bayangkan jika di waktu mendatang di segala penjuru kota di negeri tercinta ini tersedia “mesin – mesin ATM” (atau apapun istilahnya) yang menyediakan informasi tentang Forex Rates baik informasi runing harga,chart ataupun yang lainnya. Dimesin itu kita bisa ber-trading valas, mulai dari deposit,open posisi,close sampai ke withdrawal. Alasan saya mempunyai harapan seperti itu :
Trading Valas itu bukan judi.
Trading Valas adalah bisnis yang sangat populer. FOREX TRADING merupakan pasar terbesar di dunia diukur berdasarkan nilai total transaksi.
Ditengah keterpurukan ekonomi, menyempitnya lapangan kerja, mulai jenuhnya bisnis MLM, kebutuhan hidup yang semakin meningkat, Trading Valas hadir sebagai bidang usaha mandiri yang sangat menggiurkan. Trading Valas bisa dilakukan siapa saja, kapan saja dan dimana saja.
Trading Valas bisa dijadikan bisnis dimasa pensiun, ketika usia kita sudah tidak produktif.
Ok, kita lanjutkan perjalanan kita… Melanjutkan strategi saya yang lalu, Sell di pair EUR/USD, USD/JPY, EUR/JPY ketika sudah jenuh diatas (lebih baik memiih Sell diatas daripada Buy dibawah).
Strategi berikut ini memang lebih sedikit “rumit”. Kita sudah mulai On-line menjelang Open Market Amerika sekitar jam 19.20, wait and see dengan “pertempuran” Eropa dan US. Disaat “pertempuran” itu kita harus berjiwa investasi seperti macan tutul. Macan tutul jika sedang mengendus calon mangsanya pasti akan hati – hati sekali. Meskipun larinya lebih kencang dari mangsanya tetapi ia akan menerkam mangsanya hanya jika sudah benar – benar dekat atau 99,99% kena. Strategi ini kita akan melakukan open posisi SELL EUR/JPY. Diantara jam 19.30 – 23.00 kita perhatikan chart ketiga pair (EUR/USD, USD/JPY & EUR/JPY). Perhatikan pergerakan chart EUR/USD dan USD/JPY, jika keduanya berada diatas (keduanya mendekati high hari itu) sudah pasti EUR/JPY akan diatas juga bahkan break high. Nah saat itulah waktu yang paling ideal untuk open posisi Sell. Anda juga tidak perlu menggunakan stop loss. Pergerakan selanjutnya jika salah satu pair EUR/USD atau USD/JPY turun maka EUR/JPY sudah pasti ikut turun, kemudian pergerakan selanjutnya jika keduanya (EUR/USD & USD/JPY)turun, maka EUR/JPY sudah pasti terjun bebas dan menambah pundi – pundi profit pip kita.
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Posted by
forex trading
2:19 AM
Important Forex Trading Terms
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
The spread is the difference between the price that you can sell currency at ( Bid) and the price you can buy currency at ( Ask). The spread on majors is usually 3 pips under normal market conditions. For more information on the trading conditions at Saxo Bank, go to the Account Summary on your Client Station and open the section entitled "Trading Conditions" found in the top right-hand corner of the Account Summary.
A pip is the smallest unit by which a cross price quote changes. When trading forex you will often hear that there is a 3-pip spread when you trade the majors. This spread is revealed when you compare the bid and the ask price, for example EURUSD is quoted at a bid price of 0.9875 and an ask price of 0.9878. The difference is USD 0.0003, which is equal to 3 “pips”.
On a contract or position, the value of a pip can easily be calculated. You know that the EURUSD is quoted with four decimals, so all you have to do is cancel out the four zeros on the amount you trade and you will have the va value of one pip. Thus, on a EURUSD 100,000 contract, one pip is USD 10. On a USDJPY 100,000 contract, one pip is equal to 1000 yen, because USDJPY is quoted with only two decimals.
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Why trade Forex ?
24 hour trading
One of the major advantages of trading forex is the opportunity to trade 24 hours a day from Sunday evening (20:00 GMT) to Friday evening (22:00 GMT). This gives you a unique opportunity to react instantly to breaking news that is affecting the markets.
Superior liquidity
The forex market is so liquid that there are always buyers and sellers to trade with. The liquidity of this market, especially that of the major currencies, helps ensure price stability and narrow spreads. The liquidity comes mainly from banks that provide liquidity to investors, companies, institutions and other currency market players.No commissions
The fact that forex is often traded without commissions makes it very attractive as an investment opportunity for investors who want to deal on a frequent basis.
Trading the “majors” is also cheaper than trading other cross because of the high level of liquidity. For more information on the trading conditions of Saxo Bank, go to the Account Summary on your SaxoTrader and open the section entitled "Trading Conditions" found in the top right-hand corner of the Account Summary.100:1 Leverage
Leverage (gearing) enables you to hold a position worth up to 100 times more than your margin deposit. For example, a USD 10,000 deposit can command positions of up to USD 1,000,000 through leverage. You can leverage the first USD 25,000 of your investment up to 100 times and additional collateral up to 50 times.Profit potential in falling markets
Since the market is constantly moving, there are always trading opportunities, whether a currency is strengthening or weakening in relation to another currency. When you trade currencies, they literally work against each other. If the EURUSD declines, for example, it is because the U.S. dollar gets stronger against the Euro and vice versa. So, if you think the EURUSD will decline (that is, that the Euro will weaken versus the dollar), you would sell EUR now and then later you buy Euro back at a lower price and take your profits. The opposite trading scenario would occur if the EURUSD appreciates.
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The lesson in working with the trader
Monday, October 1, 2007
Ten lesson in working with the trader.
1. Trading affects psychology as much as psychology affects trading ? This was really the motivating factor behind my writing the new book. Many traders experience stress and frustration because they are trading poorly and lack a true edge in the marketplace. Working on your emotions will be of limited help if you are putting your money at risk and don?t truly have an edge.
2. Emotional disruption is present even among the most successful traders ? A trading method that produces 60% winners will experience four consecutive losses 2-3% of the time and as much time in flat performance as in an uptrending P/L curve. Strings of events (including losers) occur more often by chance than traders are prepared for.
3. Winning disrupts the trader?s emotions as much as losing ? We are disrupted when we experience events outside our expectation. The method that is 60% accurate will experience four consecutive winners about 13% of the time. Traders are just as susceptible to overconfidence during profitable runs as underconfidence during strings of losers.
4. Size kills ? The surest path toward emotional damage is to trade size that is too large for one?s portfolio. We experience P/L in relation to our portfolio value. When we trade too large, we create exaggerated swings of winning and losing, which in turn create exaggerated emotional swings.
5. Training is the path to expertise ? Think of every performance field out there?sports, music, chess, acting?and you will find that practice builds skills. Trading, in some ways, is harder than other performance fields because there are no college teams or minor leagues for development. From day one, we?re up against the pros. Without training and practice, we will lack the skills to survive such competition.
6. Successful traders possess rich mental maps - All successful trading boils down to pattern recognition and the development of mental maps that help us translate our perceptions of patterns into concrete trading behaviors. Without such mental maps, traders become lost in complexity.
7. Markets change ? Patterns of volatility and trending are always shifting, and they change across multiple time frames. Because of this, no single trading method will be successful across the board for a given market. The successful trader not only masters markets, but masters the changes in those markets.
8. Even the best traders have periods of drawdown ? As markets change, the best traders go through a process of relearning. The ones who succeed are the ones who save their money during the good times so that they can financially survive the lean periods.
9. The market you?re in counts as much toward performance as your trading method ? Some markets are more volatile and trendy than others; some have more distinct patterns than others. Finding the right fit between trader, trading method, and market is key.
10. Execution and trade management count ? A surprising degree of long-term trading success comes from getting good prices on entry and exit. The single best predictor of trading failure is when the average P/L of losing trades exceeds the average P/L of winners.
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